Source: PM.GC.CA
The Government of Canada said that major pipelines could only get built if we had a price on carbon, strong environmental protections in place, Indigenous peoples respected, and approve projects that could be built and run safely.
The Government of Canada has approved the Kinder Morgan Trans Mountain Expansion Project now that these have been fulfilled.
This pipeline will twin a line that has been in operation since 1953, which extends from Edmonton, Alberta, to Burnaby, British Columbia. The project will effectively triple our capacity to get Canadian energy resources to international markets beyond the Unites States.
It will create 15,000 new, middle class jobs – the majority of them in the trades. This major initiative will get hardworking Canadians back to work, put food on the table for middle class families, and grow and strengthen our communities.
Today, Canada’s pipelines are operating at full capacity. That means any significant new production must find another way to get to market. Those modes of transport are less safe than pipelines.
We know the new, state of the art pipelines provide the safest route to get our resources to market. This is not an argument. It is a fact. So from this perspective, creating new pipeline capacity is the most responsible decision we could make to ensure public safety and mitigate risk.
Canada has also approved the Line 3 Replacement Project.
This project replaces over 1,000km of an existing pipeline from Hardisty, Alberta, to Gretna, Manitoba. It will create 7,000 new, good jobs for tradespeople. It will be required to meet or exceed 37 binding conditions from the National Energy Board.
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